
Break Out the Megaphone: How to Combat Greenhushing

Location: Online Event
Time: 11:15 am
- 12:00 pm

[Link to recording below] What happens when organizations withhold details of their sustainability reporting and targets to avoid potential criticism? It’s a practice known as “greenhushing” and it is a growing barrier to industry wide progress on meeting net zero emissions targets. Alternatively, companies that embrace rigorous data standards, full transparency, and careful messaging can avoid resorting to this practice. These approaches allow professionals to drive change by learning from each other and to create real impact when it’s risky to report anything but positive progress. Learn from organizations representing multiple sides of emissions reporting on best practices that build momentum around transparent, transformative reporting in an environment of critique and limited resources.

GreenBiz Panel – 2023 GreenBiz Net Zero

Context: GreenBiz Online Event, more than 4,500 attendees from around the world, including leaders from the private sector, utilities, government, nonprofits, startups and academia.


Shannon Siart, Lead ESG Advisor, NASDAQ
Janet Peace, Head of Advisory Services, Anew
Michelle Li, Founder of Clever Carbon and Women and Climate, Clever Carbon

Amy Holm, Executive Director, The Climate Registry

Watch the recording here.