Daimler AG – Interim Target A

Emissions reduction target
Description of Interim Target

“Reduction of the greenhouse gas emissions of the new vehicle fleet at Mercedes-Benz Cars & Vans during the vehicle use phase (well-to-wheel) by more than 40 percent as compared to 2018 by 2030. 50 percent reduction as compared to 2018 of CO2 emissions and energy purchases (Scope 1 & 2) at our Mercedes-Benz Cars & Vans plants worldwide by 2030.” – By 2022, Mercedes-Benz will have battery electric vehicles (BEV) in all segments the company serves. – From 2025 onwards, all newly launched vehicle architectures will be electric-only and customers will be able to choose an all-electric alternative for every model the company makes.

  • Interim Target Baseline Year: 2018
% reductions committed to
Interim Target
Emissions reduction target
Baseline Emissions