Jacobs – Pathway A

General approach and action plan 
Roadmap Developed?
Yes - formally adopted
Status of Strategy
General Pillars of Strategy
Energy efficiency, Offsets, Renewables or low-carbon energy, Customer education, Value chain engagement, Product/service transformation, Employee engagement/training/workforce development
Energy efficiency, Offsets, Renewables or low-carbon energy, Customer education, Value chain engagement, Product/service transformation, Employee engagement/training/workforce development
Year Adopted
Terminology Tags

Our PAS 2060 Jacobs Qualifying Explanatory Statement is regularly updated and includes a Carbon Management Plan. Jacobs also published its first Climate Action Plan in 2020, and released an updated in 2022 alongside our net-zero targets.

Goal 3: Good health and well-being, Goal 6: Clean water and sanitation, Goal 9: Industry, innovation, and infrastructure, Goal 10: Reduced inequality, Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities, Goal 13: Climate action

As part of our commitment to maintain carbon neutrality we have procured carbon mitigation measures equivalent to the amount of carbon emitted from our operations and business travel since 2020. Although we are actively reducing our carbon footprint in line with science, we have determined that there is a need to go further, faster by investing in carbon mitigation measures beyond out value chain. We invest in high-quality, verified carbon reduction projects that deliver co-benefits aligned with UN SDGs. We purchase from specified, audited sources, such as CDM and VCS, to ensure to double counting occurs, that the projects are actively removing emissions, and have sufficient buffers to ensure permanence where relevant. We expect our dependence on offsets and EACs/RECs will diminish over time through emissions reductions and other investments.

Energy/fuel management, Energy/fuel switching, Operational adjustments, Policy engagement, Value chain engagement, Market mechanisms, Internal strategies (strategies to reduce direct GHG emissions within Scope 1), No/low carbon finance or investments, Research & development, Adaptation/Resilience
Efficiency, Technology improvement
Renewables, Low carbon, No carbon
Overall operational efficiency, Employee behavior modification, Governance improvements, Workforce development, Policy engagement, Value chain engagement, Market mechanisms
Energy/fuel management, Operational adjustments, Market mechanisms
Energy/fuel switching, Value chain engagement