
Profile In-Progress
Target year
Alignment with target-setting standards
UNFCCC Race to Zero
Target Status
Formally Adopted
Terminology Tags
  • Net-Zero Pledge
  • Interim Targets
  • Pathways
  • About
  • Similar Actors

Interim Targets

become net-zero carbon at group level by 2025
Description of Interim Target

Our activities already generate relatively little environmental damage – at the end of December 2019, Vivendi accounted for 0.01% of the total greenhouse gas emissions of the companies in the CAC 40 index. To achieve this objective, we are committed to developing the use of sustainable and carbon-free energy, integrating eco-design principles into the development of our products and content, promoting initiatives in favor of the circular economy, raising awareness among employees and suppliers to encourage them in their efforts. Each business unit applies the Group’s action plan at its own level as the impact and challenges of our different businesses and content are not the same.

% reductions committed to
Interim Target
become net-zero carbon at group level by 2025
Baseline Emissions


Profile in-progress

This profile was created using publicly available information. Contact
to complete this profile if you are an employee of this organization.

Similar Actors

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0% Progress
Target year: 2030
Target year: 2030
Type of Pledge: Net-Zero
Scope emissions: Scope 1, Scope 2, Scope 3