
Profile In-Progress
Target year
Alignment with target-setting standards
Target Status
Formally Adopted
Terminology Tags
  • Net-Zero Pledge
  • Interim Targets
  • Pathways
  • About
  • Similar Actors

Interim Targets

Emissions reduction target
Description of Interim Target

Le premier challenge consiste à diminuer les émissions directes et indirectes liées aux activités de la Compagnie (scope 1 & 2). Cela implique de renforcer l’efficacité énergétique des sites, d’optimiser des processus, de modifier des installations et de déployer de nouvelles philosophies opératoires. (The First challenge consists of reducing direct and indirect emissions linked to company activities (scope 1&2)) Il consiste à réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre de 46 Mt CO2 en 2015 à moins de 40 Mt CO2 d’ici 2025. Par ailleurs, TotalEnergies vise une neutralité carbone sur l’ensemble des achats d’électricité des sites opérés en Europe d’ici 2025. Les capacités régionales de la Compagnie permettront de couvrir les besoins par de l’électricité renouvelable. (It consists of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from 46 MtCO2 in 2015 to less than 40 Mt CO2 by 2025. TotalEnergies envisions that all electricity purchased for European operations will be carbon neutral. The regional capability of the firm allows for all power needs to be covered by renewable electricity.) Achieve in 2050 or sooner carbon neutrality (net zero emissions) for TotalEnergies’ worldwide operated activities (Scopes 1 & 2) with interim targets to reduce GHG emissions (Scopes 1 & 2) of its operated oil & gas facilities from 46 Mt CO2e in 2015 to less than 40 Mt CO2e by 2025 (a 15% decrease), then for 2030, to reduce by at least 40% compared to 2015 the net emissions(3) (Scopes 1 & 2) for the oil & gas operated activities 2025 target- 15% decrease in scope 1/2 emissions with a baseline year of 2015 (worldwide) 2030 target- 40% decrease in scope 1/2 emmssions with a baseline year of 2015(worldwide) 2030 target- average carbon intensity reduction of 20% compared with 2015 2030 target- scope 3 emmissions to be lower in absolute terms compared to the level in 2015 (worldwide) 2030 target- scope 3 emmissions to be reduced by 30% compared to a baseline year of 2015 (Europe)

  • Interim Target Baseline Year: 2015
% reductions committed to
Interim Target
Emissions reduction target
Baseline Emissions


Profile in-progress

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0% Progress
Target year: 2030
Target year: 2030
Type of Pledge: Net-Zero
Scope emissions: Scope 1, Scope 2, Scope 3