West Yorkshire

Profile In-Progress
Target year
Alignment with target-setting standards
Target Status
Formally Adopted
Terminology Tags
  • Net-Zero Pledge
  • Interim Targets
  • Pathways
  • About
  • Similar Actors

Interim Targets

Description of Interim Target

2021-2024 action plan: primary aim is to put the partnerships and programmes in place that enable significant emission reductions to be made in future years. The city region target is to “Become net-zero carbon by 2038, with significant progress made by 2030”. It also specifies that “We need emissions to reduce by 14.5% every year” and “By early 2030 carbon emissions need to be around 2 Megatonnes, with final savings made by 2038.”

% reductions committed to
Interim Target
Baseline Emissions


Profile in-progress

This profile was created using publicly available information. Contact nzp@theclimatregistry.org
to complete this profile if you are an employee of this organization.

Similar Actors

Southern Company Services

0% Progress
Target year: 2050
Target year: 2050
Type of Pledge: Net-Zero
Scope emissions: Scope 1, Scope 2, Scope 3

City of Saint Paul

0% Progress
Target year: 2050
Target year: 2050
Type of Pledge: Carbon Neutrality


0% Progress
Target year: 2030
Target year: 2030
Type of Pledge: Net-Zero
Scope emissions: Scope 1, Scope 2, Scope 3