– Company aims to reduce emissions by 50% for Scope 1 & 2 and 45% for Scope 3 (category 11: Housing) compared to FY2013 (an SBT goal) by 2030. – As an RE100 member company, they will ensure that 50% of the electric power consumed by business operations is from renewable energy source by 2030 and 100% by 2040. – By 2050 aims for zero CO2 Emissions within the Housing Lifecycle. Eliminate CO2 emissions from the entire housing lifecycle, from the purchase of materials to manufacturing, sales, occupancy, and demolition, as well as renewable energy usage – Maintain the pace of planting 1,000,000 trees each year and promote further expansion of urban greening
This profile was created using publicly available information. Contact nzp@theclimatregistry.org
to complete this profile if you are an employee of this organization.
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