
Profile In-Progress
Target year
Alignment with target-setting standards
UNFCCC Race to Zero
Target Status
Formally Adopted
Terminology Tags
  • Net-Zero Pledge
  • Interim Targets
  • Pathways
  • About
  • Similar Actors

Interim Targets

Emissions reduction target
Description of Interim Target

The 2030 Plan for a Green Economy is the first electrification and climate change policy framework. It engages Québec in an ambitious project to lay the groundwork for a green economy by 2030 that is both resilient to climate change and more prosperous. The Plan will help achieve the 2030 greenhouse gas emissions reduction target Québec has set for itself, namely a 37.5% reduction compared with 1990 levels, and to reach carbon neutrality by 2050. It will also strengthen Québec’s capacity to adapt to the consequences of climate change.

  • Interim Target Baseline Year: 1990
% reductions committed to
Interim Target
Emissions reduction target
Baseline Emissions


Profile in-progress

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Similar Actors

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0% Progress
Target year: 2030
Target year: 2030
Type of Pledge: Net-Zero
Scope emissions: Scope 1, Scope 2, Scope 3